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Monday 21 February 2011

The chain rule

Any time anyone mentions The Chain Rule with reference to Calculus, Fleetwood Mac must be played.

This is actually mostly a WoW post, but that joke has been bothering me for a while.

My mage hit 85 and has been on the heroic and raid grind. Thus follow my observations of magery in Black Rock Descent normal.

Primarily, the trash in BRD is mostly actually fun and interesting. This is a total novelty after ToTC and ICC in wrath, one of which had no trash at all, and the other had multitudes of boring giant undead spiders to AoE down.

The bosses that my guilds casual raid has downed thus far have all been fairly well crafted, interesting fights.
Magmaw can be, however, annoyingly buggy. Blizzards vehicle UI bossfight problem strikes again. Golem council does a novel thing; it's a council fight I don't hate!

I've found so far that Arcane spec is slightly better for both Magmaw and GC, it has more reliable burst for exposed head phases on Magmaw, whereas Fire DPS can tank with a bad run of crit streaks, and Frost doesn't put out quite as much raw DPS. However, if you're not tanking the worms on Magmaw, Frost is really very useful, the ability to reliably root and slow the worms without taking a significant DPS hit is excellent for getting the Parasite Evening achievement. Plus Fire has weaker survivability than Frost or Arcane, so depending on your healer load, that can be an issue.

For Golem Council, I've been finding Arcane pulls ahead entirely on the back of Arcanotrons mana pool dealies keeping mana topped up during the AB4 phase of the arcane rotation. Also worth noting is that when arcanotron puts up barrier, it's worth nuking him and spellstealing the debuff he puts up, it's a DPS boost for all specs.

Maloriak seems to be fairly even across specs. If you're fast with spellstealing Renew Arcane would likely pull ahead in raw single target DPS, but Fire AoE is amazing for killing the adds during Green phases, and the DPS difference is negligible in my experience. The main reason to spec Arcane over any other spec is trivial application of caster slow, which may or may not be important depending on raid comp.

Chimaeron, it probably doesn't matter. Cauterize might provide some wonkiness, but this really isn't a DPS fight, it's all on the healers. We just get to pew pew and get loot.

It's also amazing how quickly heroics become fairly trivial. The 333 to 346 gear jump seems to make a huge difference. Grim Batol is still too damn long though. Also, more wand drops please Blizzard. I finally got mine, but it took ages.

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